Sunday, December 10, 2006

Why it's really hard to give up with smoking?

As 4 already it explained earlier, I interested itself in this theme because of its own predilection. That that 4, after all, nevertheless it threw to smoke - miracle. Every time, undertaking the attempts to throw, I fell into the black depression, which was being lasted on several weeks. Occurred such days, when I was relatively glad, but already next day depression returned. This was similarly to the attempt to be selected from the slippery pit, when to a feeling you eat, that you already at the apex, see sunlight, and then once - and you again descend downward, on the bottom. In the final analysis you get a light to cigarette, to the taste she is completely terrible, you attempt to be dismantled, why you are forced to make this.

How to make it easier? Read some advice about stopping smoking with herbal here.

Here one of the questions, which I always assign to smokers prior to the beginning of the consultation: "you want to throw to smoke?" In some sense, this is a foolish question. All smokers (including the members of organization "FOREST"), of course, they would want to throw to smoke. You will ask the most inveterate smoker: "if you were returned, when you yet did not begin to depend on cigarette, but with that knowledge, which you possess now, you would begin to smoke?" "CERTAINLY, NO", will answer any.

You will ask the most inveterate smoker - someone, who does not consider that the smoking damages on his health, whom does not worry public reprimand and who can this itself allow (but such people today not too much): "you encourage the smoking of your children?" "CERTAINLY, NO", will answer any. All smokers feel, which them manages something devilish. At the very beginning of smoking this assertion: "I will throw, but not today, but tomorrow". As a result we all will reach that phase, when we count either that there is no force of will, or which in the cigarette is contained something necessary for the enjoyment by life.

As 4 already he spoke, problem consists not of explaining, why to throw to smoke easily, but in understanding, why this is difficult. The main thing - to realize, why the majority of people generally begins to smoke, so that at some moments of time smoking occurred more than 60- TI of percentages the populations of our planet.
The mechanism of the business, connected with the smoking, does not yield to rational explanation. Sole reason, on what we generally about it speak, thousands of people, already implicated in it. In this case each of them will regret about the fact that generally it began to smoke, and it was convinced that smoking - waste of time and money. Although, looking on those smoking, it is difficult to believe, that they do not obtain pleasure. Smoking is associated with the peace of adult, and therefore we zealous work in order and by itself to take to to it. Then we entire life tell to its own children, that to smoke not necessary, but themselves we attempt "to tie" with this harmful habit.

After beginning to smoke, we entire remained life pay fabulous sums of money for the cigarettes. Smoker, who smokes during day twenty cigarette, for his life spends approximately 50 000 it is pounds sterling. What we do make with these money? (alas, if we simply got down them into the canalization!) We is utilized them for the systematic filling of our own lungs with cancerogenic resins, gradually clogging and poisoning our blood vessels. Daily we make it necessary to experience oxygen starvation each muscle and each organ of our body, becoming ever more and more sluggish. We for life sentence ourselves to the disgusting fetid respiration, the darkened teeth, the burnt clothing, the malodorous ash trays and the stifling smell of tobacco. This is - lifelong servitude. The substantial part of our life passes to the situations, where the society forbids to us to smoke (church, hospital, school, the railroad cars of the metro, theaters, etc.). Attempting to reduce a quantity of those smoked cigarette or to generally throw to smoke, we feel ourselves pinched. We carry out another part of the life in the situations, in which to smoke is permitted, but to us and itself it would like so that it would be forbidden. Very strange of the hobby: being occupied by it, you dream to end, but when you are not occupied - you dream about it. What after the strange life, when half of society does relate to you as to the leper? I, that horror it in all, this life selects to himself reasonable and adequate in all other relations person...

Smoker despises himself during each general national day of refusal of the smoking; each time, when warning the Ministry of Public Health randomly reads; when are passed campaigns on the fight with cancer or for pure air; when in it sequential time it zabolit somewhere in the breast; each time, when it occurs by only smoker in the company of the nonsmoking people. Forced to always live with the consciousness, darkened by the feelings of guilt and fear, that it does obtain in exchange for? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Pleasure? Enjoyment? Discharging? Support? All this - error, if only you do not consider it pleasant the carrying of close foot-wear for the pleasure, which appears at that moment, when you remove it!
As 4 already he spoke, major issue - to attempt to understand not only that, why smokers difficult to throw to smoke, but also why generally someone in the world smokes.
Possibly, you will say: "it is good, 4 all this I know, but when you will take to to this, to throw it is begun very difficultly". But why to throw to smoke difficultly and why we must throw? Entire their life smokers search for answers to these questions.

It is considered that the process of otvykaniya from the nicotine is accompanied by the intolerable tortures. In actuality, by themselves physical sufferings with otvykanii from the nicotine are so weak (see Chapter 6), that the majority of smokers lived life and died, even without having learned, what they - druggies.
Some indicate that the cigarettes reach pleasure to them. Untruth. Everything, which is connected with the tobacco, is sufficiently disgusting. You will ask any smoker, whom it is confident, which smokes only because the cigarette reaches the pleasure to it: if it could not purchase its customary stamp cigarette, but it would reach only those, which are usually considered disgusting, it will throw to smoke? Yes smokers more often will begin to smoke old rope, than they will entirely not smoke! And pleasure has with this nothing in common: lobsters please themselves me, but i do not have any need for for times gulivat' along the street, having with itself twenty lobsters. In the life many different occupations, which bring to us pleasure, but we do not feel ourselves by deeply unhappy only because we are not occupied by them at the given moment.

Some search for deep psychological background - "freudist syndrome", "child in maternal breast". But in reality everything precisely the opposite: as a rule, we begin to smoke, demonstrating, that they grew and grew up. If for us it was necessary to suck on the public to nipple, we would die of the confusion.

Some, on the contrary, see here the means of "real man", "macho". Steep - to breathe out smoke or fire through the nostrils! This argument also is not substantiated: burning to cigar that in the ear will seem by ridiculous. But the inhalation of cancerogenic resins into its lungs - is much more ridiculous!
Some speak: "this altogether only that, than I occupy hands!" But then why to get a light to cigarette?

"this altogether only oral satisfaction". And again: why then to get a light to cigarette?
"this certain pleasant sensation of the smoke, which enters the lungs". But this terrible feeling - it is called "suffocation".

Many assume that the smoking removes boredom. This is also fraud. Boredom - this disposition, but indeed in the cigarette there is not what entertaining.

For me occasion to smoke during 33- X of years was the persuasion, that the smoking weakens me, it gives to me confidences and courage. In this case I knew that it kills me and "flies into the kopeck". Why 4 it did not go to the doctor and did not ask him to extract to me instead of the means, which would allow me to be weakened, would give confidence and courage? 4 it did not go to the doctor, since he knew that he will without fail propose alternative means to me. But that that I called the "reason for smoking" was altogether only my justification.

Some indicate that they smoke only because their friends so make. You are actually so foolish? If so, then you pray so that your friends would not begin to cut off to themselves head in order to be healed from the headache!

The majorities of smokers, which are thought above this, come, after all, to the conclusion that the smoking - is simple habit. This not present explanation, but, if we do not allow all usual rational explanations, it is only by that remaining. Unfortunately, this idea to the same degree is illogical. In the course of the life we regularly change habits, although some of them bring larger pleasure to us. To us thoroughly "punched the brains" so that we would believe in the fact that the smoking - ruinous habit, and from the habit to refuse is very difficult. But actually whether this so is difficult? In Great Britain it is accepted to conduct machine along the left side of road. However, in Europe or in America we immediately get rid of this habit without any special problems. Assertion, what of the habits is difficult to get rid, the fraud of pure water. In reality we are daily acquired habit and we get rid of them.

Thus, why we do consider that it is difficult to get rid of the habit, whose terrible taste did smell, which does kill us and it does dearly us bypass, with vile and disgusting, of which we we do dream to get rid, if everything which from us does be required - to cease to make this?
Answer is simple: smoking - not habit, this - NICOTINE DEPENDENCE! Since the smokers do not understand, what this is - addiction, it seems them that "to forego" the smoking is extraordinarily complicated. The basic reason for this complexity consists in their persuasion that they obtain genuine enjoyment and/or support from the smoking, and they consider that they will bring present victim, if they throw to smoke.

In me there are for you the good news: after realizing nicotine dependence and true reasons for your smoking, you will throw to smoke "to calculation three". You will be puzzled in three or four weeks, why they smoked so for long and why cannot convince other smokers of that, BE NONSMOKING HAPPINESS!

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