Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Fresh nicotine enters seven seconds after lighting up into the blood, and passionate thrust by it concludes, leaving the sensation of weakening and confidence, which it gives to the smoker of cigarette.
In the youth, when we only begin to smoke, the pain of otvykaniya and her lightening is so weak that we even do not surmise, that they exist. Beginning to smoke regularly, we explain this by enjoyment or thereby that the smoking became habit. However, Pravda consists in the fact that we took to to the nicotine; we yet do not realize this, but small nicotine monster already it settled in our womb, and we were forced to feed it.

So, you are interested about how did I stooped smoking? My secret was
herbal medicine, check this site: http://www.nicocure.com/?aid=574600

All smokers begin to smoke on the stupidity. Indeed no one they force to begin to smoke by force. The sole reason, for which the people continue to smoke (not importantly, inveterate they smokers or they smoke from one case to the next) - the desire to feed this small monster.

How did I quite smoking? Herbal medicine helped me, check this
web-site http://www.nicocure.com/?aid=574600

Monday, January 1, 2007

my stop smoking step-by-step algorithm

I have got some emails about how did I stopped smoking. Yes, I have quitted smoking in about one year ago (!) and I don't smoke now and … I'm not going to smoke later.
I'm interested in helping others to stop smoking, so I writing in this blog about how to stop smoking, how to support yourself and what the secret is.
Personally, I used a herbal medicine to quite, but I don't think it's a must-have thing for anyone. So my "how to" for stopping smoking.

1. Think about what makes you think about cigarette? Is it some problem or some person or something else. I'm sure it's not possible to eliminate this, but think about this and know what it is;
2. Select one of the methods to give up with smoking. There are a lot of methods available on-line, I'd recommend to browse Wikipedia, this a good, trusted resource for any aspect of your life, stopping smoking too.
3. Get motivation! It's simple, but you always need to remember "WHY?"
4. Try it. It should not be a year-run, but it also shouldn't be a one-day attempt. I'm sure it will take from about 2-3 weeks to 2-3 months.
5. Did this help? What the problem was? Let's solve this problem and try again or try again another method.

This is what I followed, I've finally stopped at herbal medicine, but it did help me at once, I had to try a lot before I have got a results.