Saturday, December 30, 2006

Society frequently turns himself to the smoking as to the harmful habit; therefore in this book, for the convenience, I also call its "habit". Nevertheless, constantly you remember about the fact that smoking - these are not habit, but NARCOTIC DEPENDENCE.
After beginning to smoke, we must learn to be turned with the cigarettes. Before we realize this - once! - we no longer only buy them regularly, but they are forced to have with ourselves constantly. Now in the absence cigarette we fall into panic and in the course of time smoke more and it is more.

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So it occurs also with any other narcotic: our organism attempts to be protected from the action of nicotine, and simultaneously the need for it grows with this. After the short period of the smoking of cigarette it ceases to completely facilitate the discomfort of the absence of the nicotine, which itself creates. Therefore, smoking to cigarette, you feel yourselves better than instant back; in actuality you become more nervous and more stressed even in the process of smoking, than if they were generally nonsmoking. This habit is still more absurd than habit to bear the close shoes: ever being increased sensation of discomfort remains even when shoes are taken.
But also this yet not all: as soon as cigarette it is extinguished, the rapid removal of nicotine from the organism begins how it is explained, why in the stress situations of smoker they have a habit to smoke cigarettes one after one.

How did I quite smoking? Herbal medicine helped me, check this

As 4 already he spoke, "habits" does not exist. The true reason, for which each smoker continues to smoke, it consists in that smallest monster, which lives in the womb. From time to time any smoker must him "feed". He solves itself, when to make this, but, as a rule, it is possible to reveal four types of the cases or their combination:
SKUKA/SOSREDOTOCHENNOST' - complete oppositions!
NAPRYAZHENIYE/RASSLABLENIYE - also complete oppositions!
What magic means can unexpectedly change the action, which auto did render twenty minutes ago?, Think that, besides sleep, it can so sharply change reality? Pravda consists in the fact that the smoking never facilitates stress or boredom and it does not completely contribute to concentration or relaxation. All this - illusion.

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Furthermore, that nicotine - narcotic, this is the still and strong poison, which enters into the composition of the insecticides (you will look this word in the dictionary!). The dose of nicotine, which is contained in all in one cigarette, if we introduce its neposredstven but into the vein, will kill you. Plant tobacco contains many poisons, including carbon monoxide, and it belongs to also the kind, that also known to all belladonna.

How did I quite smoking? Herbal medicine helped me, check this

Specifically, similarity to the adoption of food helps to durachit' smoking, forcing them to believe in the fact that they obtain truly incomprehensible pleasure. To some smokers it is very difficult to realize, that the smoking brings no pleasure and renders no support. They object: "as you can assert that the smoking does not support me? Indeed you are agreeable, that, smoking, I feel itself by less nervous than thus far ".
Although the adoption of food and smoking seem by very similar, in actuality these processes - perfected are opposite:
1. you eat in order to survive and to prolong its life, and smoking reduces it.
2. food is actually pleasant to the taste, and the adoption of food - actually pleasant experience, by which we can delight in during our entire life. However, smoking assumes the inhalation of loathsome and toxic smoke into its lungs.
3. adoption of food does not generate hunger, but it facilitates it; while the first of cigarette places the beginning of thrust to the nicotine, but each subsequent - does not completely facilitate this thrust, but it guarantees, that you will suffer from it entire remained life.

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Now the suitable moment in order to scatter another generally known myth about the smoking, myth about the fact that "smoking - this is habit". Adoption of food - habit? If you then think - try to forego it let us have sucked. No, to describe the adoption of food as habit - the same, what to call habit respiration. Both processes have vital importance for the survival. Certainly, different people have a habit to satisfy their hunger in the different time and with the aid of the different types of food. However, by itself adoption of food by habit is not. The sole reason, for which any smoker ignites to cigarette - the attempt to place end to the sensation of void and not confidences, created with previous sigaretoy. Certainly, different smokers have a habit to facilitate their discomfort in the different time and by different methods; however, by itself smoking is not habit.

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Best method to realize insidiousness of this trap - to compare it with the food. After becoming accustomed to regularly feed, we do not fear, that let us be starved between the consumption of food. Only in the case of the delay of food we understand, to what extent they are hungry, and we entirely do not have physical pain, is simple the feeling of devastation and uncertainty, which to us it is known as "I should eat up". Very process of the satisfaction of hunger - very pleasant pasttime.

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With the smoking occurs almost the same. The sensation of void and uncertainty, known to us as "desire or the need for the cigarette", similar to hunger, although here one is not satisfied through another. As in the case there is no hunger, physical pain, and this discomfort is so imperceptible that we even do not remember about it in the interruptions between the cigarettes. It begins to be realized only at that moment, when we want after to smoke, but they will not permit us. Then finally after smoking, we they would feel satisfaction.

How did I quite smoking? Herbal medicine helped me, check this

Specifically, this thin process makes refusal of all narcotics difficult. You will imagine panic of geroinista, in which heroin ended. Now visualize its happiness, when it could at long last make to itself. But can you present someone to yourselves, who actually obtains pleasure from the injection of narcotic, if thought itself about this does fill you by horror? Druggies, who depend not on heroin, do not experience a similar sensation of panic with the thought about the absence of heroin. Thus, its narcotic does not remove, but, on the contrary, he creates. Those not smoking do not test the sensation of devastation or sharp need for the cigarette and completely they do not begin to panic, when concludes reserve cigarette. Those not smoking cannot understand, as smokers they can obtain pleasure from the fact that push these contrary pieces into the mouth, kindle them and are involved by this filth, filling by it its lungs. But you do know that particularly interesting? Smoker
s also cannot understand, why they this make.

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We already spoke about the extended error that the smoking weakens and gives satisfaction. But the satisfaction only those require, who are deprived of something. Why togas yes those not smoking do not suffer similar deprivations and why, after the food, when those not smoking by all are contented, smokers cannot be weakened, until not "do feed" their small nicotine monster?
For us it is necessary to dismantle in more detail this theme. The basic reason for the complexity of casting to smoke consists in the fact that the smokers believe that they reject the real pleasure or the powerful support. Here to you it is very important to understand that, throwing to smoke, you not what reject.

How did I quite smoking? Herbal medicine helped me, check this

Before we will create the fetters of nicotine dependence, our bodies of sovershenny. Then we drive into our organism nicotine, and when we eject to cigarette, it begins to leave our body, and we experience pain of otvykaniya - not physical pain, but is simple the sensation of devastation. We even do not surmise about its existence, but she acts inside our body as the flowing crane. But we do not want to understand this by mind, having in this of no need. To us sufficient to know that we sharply want to cigarette, and when we get a light its, passionate thrust departs, and, to some period we again experience satisfaction and confidence in ourselves, becoming those, such as they were before they took to to the smoking. However, now this satisfaction is only temporary, since in order to remove thrust to the cigarettes, we must introduce an even larger quantity of nicotine into the organism. As soon as you will put out to cigarette, thrust will arise again, and so to infinity. Th
ese are fetters with length into the life, IF YOU DO NOT TEAR THEM.

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Entire sphere of business, connected with the smoking, resembles the carrying of close shoes for the purpose to obtain the pleasure, experienced at the moment of deliverance from them. Here are is three reasons, which do not give to smokers to glance at the thing from this point of view:
1. from the generation itself we undergo massirovannomu "washing it is cerebral", constantly hearing about the fact that the smokers find enormous pleasure and/or support in the smoking. Why we must not believe to those speaking this? But will not begin they to expend enormous money, in order to subject us to this terrible risk?
2. since physical otvykaniye from the nicotine is not accompanied by a present pain, and only by the feeling of the devastation and of uncertainty, almost not otlichimym from the hunger or the usual stress, and since we want to smoke - we are inclined to estimate this desire as normal.
3 smokers cannot see smoking in the true light because the mechanism of habituation to it is extraordinarily fine, and to otsledit' it is very complicated. In the beginning we estimate a feeling of devastation as normal and do not connect it with recently smoked sigaretoy. After smoking, you immediately oshchushchayete the flow of forces, you experience kayf, you weaken, and - cigarette again justified your confidence.

How did I quite smoking? Herbal medicine helped me, check this

Entire sphere of business, connected with the smoking, is a series of riddles. In the depth of soul all smokers know that on your stupidity burn into the ominous trap. However, saiest in the smoking that that enjoyment, to floor chayemoye by smoker from cigarettes, this is before entire pleasure, caused by the attempt to return to the state of rest, order and confidence, which its body tested to that how it became dependent on the nicotine.

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You will recall such day, when it is much hour in a row it howled the broken protection signalling of neighbor or you they for long tortured other strong noise. Then noise suddenly ceases, and you oshchushchayete an entrancing feeling of rest. But indeed in reality these are not rest, but altogether only the end of noise.

How did I quite smoking? Herbal medicine helped me, check this

Do not think that the harmful effects of smoking are exaggerated: they, are faster, they are underestimated. It is obvious that rule "five minutes" - the preliminary estimation, applied only in such cases if you hooked one of the fatal diseases or poisoned yourselves "according to the complete program".

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"infection", in reality, never completely is derived from the organism. If hereabout they smoke, then nicotine find in air, and the small percentage obtain even nonsmoking. However, our bodies - improbable devices; they possess enormous possibilities to the restoration, if, of course, you yet did not set in motion one of the irreversible diseases. If you throw to smoke now, your body will be restored during several weeks, moreover in the manner that as if you not were never smoker.
As 4 already he spoke, to throw to smoke never not late. I helped to cure to many patients of older than 60 years and even to several people at the age of 70-80 years. My clinic visited 99- summer woman with her 66- summer son. A question, why it decided to throw to smoke, she answered: "in order to become for it an example". Six months later it wrote to me, that again felt itself young. The more the smoking destroys you, the greater the feeling of release. When I at long last threw to smoke, then rolled down from vykurivaniya hundred cigarette into the day immediately to zero, and in me it arose no illnesses. The process of casting was actually pleasant, even in the period of "flour of otvykaniya".
But first we must get rid of the "washing it is cerebral".

How did I quite smoking? Herbal medicine helped me, check this

To manage the chemical dependence is easy, even if you still depend on smoking, and there are thousands of smoking people, which in the course of their entire life remain irregular smokers. But they are dependent on so many as inveterate smoker. There are even the inveterate smokers, who, after tying with the "habit", smoke random cigar, preserving by this dependence.
As 4 already he spoke, nicotine dependence - not basic problem. It simply acts as catalyst, retaining our reason in the bewilderment relative to the real problem: "powdering it is cerebral".

So, you are interested about how did I stopped smoking? My secret was
herbal medicine, check this site:

For the inveterate smokers, who smoke entire life, it will be possible by comfort to learn which them to throw to smoke so is easy, as smoking it is irregular. In a sense, this even more easily. The further you will visit with the "habit", the more the destruction she will produce, and the more influential will be your acquisitions.
Possibly, comfort for you will be information about the fact that the rumors, which circulate from time to time ("so that this" infection "it would leave your body it will be required eight years" or "each of cigarette, which you you smoke, is reduced your life for five minutes") - untruth.

How did I quite smoking? Herbal medicine helped me, check this

If you think about passing to the tube or the cigars, have in the form that the aforesaid in this book relates to all I see tobacco and to any nicotinecontaining substances, including chewing gums, mats, sprey and inhalers.
Human organism - most complex object on our planet. Not one biological form, even lowest - amoeba and worms, will survive, without knowing the difference between the food and the poison. During thousands years, in the course of natural selection, our reason and body formed the skill to distinguish food and poison, and also the reliable methods of deliverance from the latter.
All people feed aversion to smell and taste of tobacco, until they take to to it. If you breathe out tobacco smoke into the person to child before it will acquire nicotine - dependence, it will begin to cough and to sneeze.

So, you are interested about how did I stopped smoking? My secret was
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When we smoked our first cigarettes, smoking led to the assault of cough or, if they smoked too much, to the vertigo and the explicit physical indisposition. This our body appealed to us: "you introduce into me poison cease!" Frequently it is determined at this point, we will become smokers or not. To think that smokers become physically weak or mentally unstable people - error. That, in whom the first of cigarette caused rejection, whose lungs physically could not manage it - it transported, they were cured from the smoking for life. In other words, they are not ready to penetrate the severe process of instruction in order to learn to smoke, without coughing.
Specifically, this circumstance seems me by the most tragic. We very zealous work before we fall the dependence, this is why so it is difficult to stop adolescents. They still learn to smoke, they still consider cigarettes disgusting to the taste - and therefore they assume that they can throw, when they want. Why they do not learn based on our example? Why we nothing did learn from our parents?
Many smokers consider that the taste and the smell of tobacco reaches pleasure to them. This is - illusion. When we learn to smoke, we unreceptive to the disgusting smell and taste train our organism to become. So geroinisty assert that by them it pleases itself to be split. The pain of otvykaniya from heroin is more severe, and everything which pleases itself by them in actuality, ritual of the removal of this pain.

How did I quite smoking? Herbal medicine helped me, check this

Nicotine - colorless, oily substance, which is contained in the tobacco and which causes the smoker has dependence. This narcotic causes the most rapid habituation from all known to humanity substances: in order to take to to it, can be required only one cigarettes.

Each delay sigaretoy supplies through the lungs the brain the small dose of nicotine, which acts considerably more rapid than, for example, the dose of heroin, which the druggie introduces into the vein.

If, smoking to cigarette, you make twenty delays - you obtain twenty doses of narcotic by means of only of one cigarettes.

Nicotine - high speed narcotic, and level of its content in the blood falls approximately doubly during 30- TI of minutes and approximately to one fourth the hour after vykurivaniya cigarettes. This is explained, why on the average smokers smoke twenty cigarette during the day.

As soon as cigarette it is smoked, the rapid removal of nicotine from the organism begins, and man begins to experience flour of otvykaniya.

Now I must dethrone the extended error relative to the sufferings of otvykaniya, extended among the smokers. They think that the pain, connected otvykaniyem - terrible injury, proceeding when they independently or vynuzhdenno attempt to throw to smoke. In reality, to the larger degree these flour - mental; smoker feels, which is deprived of pleasure or of support. Later we will pause at this in more detail.

In actuality, the pains, caused otvykaniyem from the nicotine, are so insignificant that the majority of smokers live entire life and die, even without having realized, what they - druggies. When we is utilized term "nikotinozavisimyy", we think that simply "they acquired habit". The majorities of smokers experience horror from the narcotics, appearing, in reality, with druggies. Fortunately, nicotine - narcotic, from which it is easy to refuse, but before you must recognize that they became dependent.

Otvykaniye from the nicotine is not accompanied by physical pain. In essence this alarming sensation of devastation, a feeling, that something does not be sufficient. Many smokers think therefore that this something, connected with their hands. If this feeling remains, smoker becomes nervous, not confident, excited, irritable and begins to experience a deficiency in the confidence to the peace. The thirst of this poison, nicotine, is similar to the sharp hunger.

How did I quite smoking? Herbal medecine helped me, check this

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Why after our attempts to stop we continue to smoke

We everything do begin to smoke on the stupidity, usually under the pressure of environment or on the friendly parties, but when we do feel, that we do begin to get accustomed, why we do continue to smoke?

By the way, I'm still not smoking. Why? Read my secret and how to stop smoking.

Not one permanent smoker knows, why he smokes. If true reason was known to him, it would throw to smoke. On its consultations I posed this question to thousands of smokers. Correct answer is identical for all; however, the variety of the obtained answers is infinite. It seems to me that this part of the consultation - most amusing, but at the same time and the saiest.
In the depth of heart all smokers understand, that they are blockheads. Before to fall depending on smoking, they know that they do not have not the least need for smoking. Majorities of them can recall the disgusting taste of their first cigarettes, and that that to them it was necessary thoroughly to be taken some pains they before they took to to the smoking. The most annoying consists in the fact that by mind they understand, that those not smoking not only nothing lose, but also laugh above the smokers (difficult not to laugh in It v.udget dau).

But smokers - reasonable, rational people. They know that they subject their health to enormous risk, and they realize that for the life they expend on the cigarettes entire state. Therefore for the justification for its habit they should have rational explanation.

Efficient cause, why smokers continue to smoke, the insidious combination of the factors, which I will in detail dismantle in the following two chapters. This:

Smoking is dangerous!

Smoking - most insidious, most ominous trap, created with the joint efforts of man and nature. Who pushes slightly us to it first of all? Thousands of smoking adult. They even warn us that the smoking - the disgusting habit, which destroys, after all, our organism and which is circumvented is very dear, but we cannot believe in the fact that they do not obtain pleasure from this process. One of the curious aspects of smoking - that that it is necessary to greatly try in order to take to to it.

Actually I have gave up with smoking! How? I've quite with herbal medicine.

This is only trap in nature, in which there is no bait, even tiny piece of cheese. Trap begins to flap not from the fact that the taste cigarette is exquisite, but from the fact that it is disgusting. If the taste of the first cigarettes was pleasant, would ring alarming preventive zvonochek, and as reasonable essences, we would understand, why half of adult population systematically pays fabulous sums of money for the fact that hunts itself. But since that first of cigarette was disgusting, our youthful reason was completely damped: we- that never let us take to to this, since we obtain from the cigarette of no pleasure, but it means - let us be able to throw, when we want.

This is the only narcotic in nature, which will not allow so that you would reach your purpose. Boys usually begin to smoke, since they want to appear "steeply", imitating to the heroes Of klinta of Eastwood. The latter, that you feel from the first cigarettes, that that you "are steep". You do not dare be tightened as one should, but if you smoke too much - you will feel vertigo, and then nausea. At this moment you most of all it is desirable to flee from other fellows and to reject these vile cigarettes.

Girls it is desirable to appear contemporary and experienced. We all saw their, making short delays those generating in this case laughable impression. When boys will learn to appear "steep", and girl - highly experienced, they will be sorry about the fact that once they began to smoke. Is interesting to know, actually smoking is given to the women of iskushennosti, or this the means, imposed on advertisement cigarette.
The remained life we will conduct in the attempts to explain to ourselves, why we smoke, telling children, as not to fall into the trap, and attempting from time to time "to tie".
But trap is designed so that to throw we attempt only if we experience the strong stress, connected with the health, with a deficiency in the money or fact that us sequential time they forced to feel ourselves by lepers.

After throwing to smoke, we begin to experience an even larger stress, forcing ourselves to manage without that, on what they hoped precisely for removing the stress: without our old friend - cigarettes.

After several days of tortures we come to the solution that they selected the inappropriate time: it follows to wait for that moment, when we not had stress. As soon as this thought it comes to us into the head, occasion to throw to smoke completely it disappears. It is obvious that this time never will come, we know that the life has a tendency to become ever more than and that more stressed. When we depart from under the parental wing, begins the natural process of the creation of house, accumulation it is debt, the generation of children, career increase and so forth and the like thus, hoping for the rest, we again be in the illusion. Furthermore, it is known that the stress periods in the life of any person - early childhood and youth. We confuse responsibility and stress. The life of smoker automatically becomes more stressed, since the tobacco does not make it possible to be weakened and does not remove stress, as us society forces to believe. Increasingly with an accuracy to vice versa: in reality the smoking leads to the fact that you feel yourselves ever more nervous and napryazhenno.
Those smokers, which at least once are succeeded in "tying", can be happy until again they fall depending on nicotine.

Entire business, connected with the smoking, resembles wandering in the gigantic labyrinth. As soon as we enter into it, our reason clouds itself, and we carry out the remained life in the attempts to be selected. With many of us this, after all, it succeeds, but only in order again to please into the trap.

I conducted 33 years, attempting to be selected from this labyrinth. Like all smokers, 4 he did not understand this. However, because of the combination of uncommon circumstances (none of which makes to me honor), I wanted to learn, why during life me it was so desperately difficult to throw to smoke, and my successful attempt proved to be not only light, but also pleasant.
From the moment of the curtailment of smoking, by my hobby (but later and by my profession) became the solution of many riddles, connected with the nicotine dependence. This is the most complex and most fascinating puzzle, which, as the cube Of rubika, it is not practically possible to gather. However, as in the case of the majority of complex puzzles, if the solution to you is known - this is easy! I know how to throw to smoke with the ease. I will derive you from the labyrinth even I am guaranteed, that you more in it not zabredete never. Everything that you must make, follow indications. If you roll up not there, all further recommendations will be senseless.

Make it possible separately to emphasize: to reveal that to throw smoke easily, can any, but it is first necessary to establish all facts. No, 4 I do not have in the form the facts, which generate fear. 4 it is convinced that you are sufficiently informed about the harm of smoking. If this knowledge would stop, you long ago already threw to smoke. I have in the form understanding reasons, on which the refusal of the smoking is seemed to us very difficult. What to answer this question, it is necessary to establish the true reasons for that, why we still smoke.

Why it's really hard to give up with smoking?

As 4 already it explained earlier, I interested itself in this theme because of its own predilection. That that 4, after all, nevertheless it threw to smoke - miracle. Every time, undertaking the attempts to throw, I fell into the black depression, which was being lasted on several weeks. Occurred such days, when I was relatively glad, but already next day depression returned. This was similarly to the attempt to be selected from the slippery pit, when to a feeling you eat, that you already at the apex, see sunlight, and then once - and you again descend downward, on the bottom. In the final analysis you get a light to cigarette, to the taste she is completely terrible, you attempt to be dismantled, why you are forced to make this.

How to make it easier? Read some advice about stopping smoking with herbal here.

Here one of the questions, which I always assign to smokers prior to the beginning of the consultation: "you want to throw to smoke?" In some sense, this is a foolish question. All smokers (including the members of organization "FOREST"), of course, they would want to throw to smoke. You will ask the most inveterate smoker: "if you were returned, when you yet did not begin to depend on cigarette, but with that knowledge, which you possess now, you would begin to smoke?" "CERTAINLY, NO", will answer any.

You will ask the most inveterate smoker - someone, who does not consider that the smoking damages on his health, whom does not worry public reprimand and who can this itself allow (but such people today not too much): "you encourage the smoking of your children?" "CERTAINLY, NO", will answer any. All smokers feel, which them manages something devilish. At the very beginning of smoking this assertion: "I will throw, but not today, but tomorrow". As a result we all will reach that phase, when we count either that there is no force of will, or which in the cigarette is contained something necessary for the enjoyment by life.

As 4 already he spoke, problem consists not of explaining, why to throw to smoke easily, but in understanding, why this is difficult. The main thing - to realize, why the majority of people generally begins to smoke, so that at some moments of time smoking occurred more than 60- TI of percentages the populations of our planet.
The mechanism of the business, connected with the smoking, does not yield to rational explanation. Sole reason, on what we generally about it speak, thousands of people, already implicated in it. In this case each of them will regret about the fact that generally it began to smoke, and it was convinced that smoking - waste of time and money. Although, looking on those smoking, it is difficult to believe, that they do not obtain pleasure. Smoking is associated with the peace of adult, and therefore we zealous work in order and by itself to take to to it. Then we entire life tell to its own children, that to smoke not necessary, but themselves we attempt "to tie" with this harmful habit.

After beginning to smoke, we entire remained life pay fabulous sums of money for the cigarettes. Smoker, who smokes during day twenty cigarette, for his life spends approximately 50 000 it is pounds sterling. What we do make with these money? (alas, if we simply got down them into the canalization!) We is utilized them for the systematic filling of our own lungs with cancerogenic resins, gradually clogging and poisoning our blood vessels. Daily we make it necessary to experience oxygen starvation each muscle and each organ of our body, becoming ever more and more sluggish. We for life sentence ourselves to the disgusting fetid respiration, the darkened teeth, the burnt clothing, the malodorous ash trays and the stifling smell of tobacco. This is - lifelong servitude. The substantial part of our life passes to the situations, where the society forbids to us to smoke (church, hospital, school, the railroad cars of the metro, theaters, etc.). Attempting to reduce a quantity of those smoked cigarette or to generally throw to smoke, we feel ourselves pinched. We carry out another part of the life in the situations, in which to smoke is permitted, but to us and itself it would like so that it would be forbidden. Very strange of the hobby: being occupied by it, you dream to end, but when you are not occupied - you dream about it. What after the strange life, when half of society does relate to you as to the leper? I, that horror it in all, this life selects to himself reasonable and adequate in all other relations person...

Smoker despises himself during each general national day of refusal of the smoking; each time, when warning the Ministry of Public Health randomly reads; when are passed campaigns on the fight with cancer or for pure air; when in it sequential time it zabolit somewhere in the breast; each time, when it occurs by only smoker in the company of the nonsmoking people. Forced to always live with the consciousness, darkened by the feelings of guilt and fear, that it does obtain in exchange for? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Pleasure? Enjoyment? Discharging? Support? All this - error, if only you do not consider it pleasant the carrying of close foot-wear for the pleasure, which appears at that moment, when you remove it!
As 4 already he spoke, major issue - to attempt to understand not only that, why smokers difficult to throw to smoke, but also why generally someone in the world smokes.
Possibly, you will say: "it is good, 4 all this I know, but when you will take to to this, to throw it is begun very difficultly". But why to throw to smoke difficultly and why we must throw? Entire their life smokers search for answers to these questions.

It is considered that the process of otvykaniya from the nicotine is accompanied by the intolerable tortures. In actuality, by themselves physical sufferings with otvykanii from the nicotine are so weak (see Chapter 6), that the majority of smokers lived life and died, even without having learned, what they - druggies.
Some indicate that the cigarettes reach pleasure to them. Untruth. Everything, which is connected with the tobacco, is sufficiently disgusting. You will ask any smoker, whom it is confident, which smokes only because the cigarette reaches the pleasure to it: if it could not purchase its customary stamp cigarette, but it would reach only those, which are usually considered disgusting, it will throw to smoke? Yes smokers more often will begin to smoke old rope, than they will entirely not smoke! And pleasure has with this nothing in common: lobsters please themselves me, but i do not have any need for for times gulivat' along the street, having with itself twenty lobsters. In the life many different occupations, which bring to us pleasure, but we do not feel ourselves by deeply unhappy only because we are not occupied by them at the given moment.

Some search for deep psychological background - "freudist syndrome", "child in maternal breast". But in reality everything precisely the opposite: as a rule, we begin to smoke, demonstrating, that they grew and grew up. If for us it was necessary to suck on the public to nipple, we would die of the confusion.

Some, on the contrary, see here the means of "real man", "macho". Steep - to breathe out smoke or fire through the nostrils! This argument also is not substantiated: burning to cigar that in the ear will seem by ridiculous. But the inhalation of cancerogenic resins into its lungs - is much more ridiculous!
Some speak: "this altogether only that, than I occupy hands!" But then why to get a light to cigarette?

"this altogether only oral satisfaction". And again: why then to get a light to cigarette?
"this certain pleasant sensation of the smoke, which enters the lungs". But this terrible feeling - it is called "suffocation".

Many assume that the smoking removes boredom. This is also fraud. Boredom - this disposition, but indeed in the cigarette there is not what entertaining.

For me occasion to smoke during 33- X of years was the persuasion, that the smoking weakens me, it gives to me confidences and courage. In this case I knew that it kills me and "flies into the kopeck". Why 4 it did not go to the doctor and did not ask him to extract to me instead of the means, which would allow me to be weakened, would give confidence and courage? 4 it did not go to the doctor, since he knew that he will without fail propose alternative means to me. But that that I called the "reason for smoking" was altogether only my justification.

Some indicate that they smoke only because their friends so make. You are actually so foolish? If so, then you pray so that your friends would not begin to cut off to themselves head in order to be healed from the headache!

The majorities of smokers, which are thought above this, come, after all, to the conclusion that the smoking - is simple habit. This not present explanation, but, if we do not allow all usual rational explanations, it is only by that remaining. Unfortunately, this idea to the same degree is illogical. In the course of the life we regularly change habits, although some of them bring larger pleasure to us. To us thoroughly "punched the brains" so that we would believe in the fact that the smoking - ruinous habit, and from the habit to refuse is very difficult. But actually whether this so is difficult? In Great Britain it is accepted to conduct machine along the left side of road. However, in Europe or in America we immediately get rid of this habit without any special problems. Assertion, what of the habits is difficult to get rid, the fraud of pure water. In reality we are daily acquired habit and we get rid of them.

Thus, why we do consider that it is difficult to get rid of the habit, whose terrible taste did smell, which does kill us and it does dearly us bypass, with vile and disgusting, of which we we do dream to get rid, if everything which from us does be required - to cease to make this?
Answer is simple: smoking - not habit, this - NICOTINE DEPENDENCE! Since the smokers do not understand, what this is - addiction, it seems them that "to forego" the smoking is extraordinarily complicated. The basic reason for this complexity consists in their persuasion that they obtain genuine enjoyment and/or support from the smoking, and they consider that they will bring present victim, if they throw to smoke.

In me there are for you the good news: after realizing nicotine dependence and true reasons for your smoking, you will throw to smoke "to calculation three". You will be puzzled in three or four weeks, why they smoked so for long and why cannot convince other smokers of that, BE NONSMOKING HAPPINESS!

No more nicotine my life

Possibly, me one should begin from the confirmation of its competence. No, 4 not doctors and not psychiatrist, but in the interesting us field of knowledge I can be considered professional. Thirty three years of its life I lived as inveterate smoker. In recent years before to throw to smoke, I smoked in no way not less than sixty cigarette during the day, while during the separately difficult days - to hundred.

What stopped my from nictine? I've used herbal pills.

For its life I undertook the mass of the attempts to throw to smoke. Once 4 even it did not smoke six months, but about it must climb to the wall, still it were held more closely to those, who smokes, attempting to catch the smell of tobacco, still it preferred to travel in the railroad cars for those smoking.

From the point of view of health for the majority of smokers the problem consists of the following: "I will throw with 4 to smoke before this will happen of me?" 4 it already reached that stage, when it became confident, that the smoking kills me. I experienced a constant headache, which is accompanied by infinite cough. I felt continuous pulsation in the vein, which passes vertically in the center of forehead, and it sincerely believed that the vessels can break at any moment in my head, and I will die of the hemorrhage into the brain. This disturbed me, but it did not stop.

I reached that stage, when it ended even attempts to throw. Not because was obtained such already the enjoyment from the smoking. During a certain period of time the majority of smokers suffer from the illusion of the fact that is obtained the pleasure from the random cigarette, but 4 a similar error never it suffered. 4 always suffer could not taste and smell cigarette, but it considered that they help me to be weakened. They gave to me courage and confidences in themselves, and always, when I attempted to throw to smoke, it became unhappy and it could not imagine the life, complete of pleasures, without cigarettes.
Finally, the wife sent me to gipnoterapevtu. It must acknowledge that it always skeptically related to hypnosis, anything about it at that time knowing. I presented to itself person, similar To svengali, with the penetrating eyes and the being swung pendulum. I had all those usual illusions about the smoking, which there is in each smoker, with exception of one: I accurately knew that 4 - not weakwilled person. I completely checked all aspects of its life; however, cigarettes ruled must by me. I considered that hypnosis includes violence above the will, and, although it did not prevent proceeding (as the majority of smokers, me it actually was desirable to throw), it assumed that no one will be succeeded in making a fool me and proving that the need for the smoking i do not have.

Session proved to be the waste of time. Gipnoterapevt attempted to force me to raise hands and to make other diverse things. It turned out that plainly nothing it is obtained: 4 it did not lose consciousness, it were not immersed in the trans- (at least, he did not think that this occurred). And nevertheless 4 not only threw to smoke after that session of hypnosis, but also made the conclusion that this process (including the period of otvykaniya) - it was pleasant.
Now before you will be torn away from the place and will break into a run to gipnoterapevtu, make it possible something to explain. Hypnotherapy - this means of connection. After obtaining incorrect message, you will not throw to smoke. I do not want to criticize the doctor, to whom it were turned for the consultation, since if not it, then I would be already dead up to the present moment. But everything occurred in spite of, but not because of it. 4 also I do not want to seem napadayushchim to hypnotherapy; on the contrary, I use it as a part of the consultations conducted by me. Hypnotherapy - force of suggestion, moreover the powerful force, which can be used both into the good and into the harm. Never be turned to gipnoterapevtu, if it not was rekomendovan to you by someone, whom you respect and you believe to whom.

For all those terrible years, when I was smoker, I considered that my life depends on cigarette.
I was ready more often to die how to manage without them. Today people ask me, there are in me sometimes strange severe pains. I answer: never, never, never! Faster on the contrary, i them greater do not have, and I live wonderful life. If I would die of the smoking, 4, of course, no longer it complained. I was very happy, although the most surprising, which happened of me in the life, release from this nightmare, from the slavish dependence, which forces me to go on the life, systematically destroying its body and paying fabulous sums of money for this rumple body privilege.

Make it possible to me from the very beginning to arrange all points above "i": 4 - not mystical figure. 4 I do not believe in the sorcerers or the fairies. In me completely skeptical mind, but that which happened of me, 4 I cannot interpret otherwise as magic. I began to specially study everything concerning hypnosis and smoking. It seemed nothing of that read cannot explain the happened miracle. Why this time to throw to smoke was so easily, it is easy to the ridiculous, if earlier this was accompanied by the weeks of black depression?

To that in order to be dismantled with all this, i have shrewd for a long time, in essence because I approached to the matter incorrectly. I attempted to explain, why to throw to smoke was so easily, while basic problem consisted in attempt to explain the reason, for which smokers it is heavy to throw to smoke. Smokers tell about the terrible flour of the period of otvykaniya, but, being examined back and attempting to recall its terrible sufferings, I am convinced, which them not was. I not had physical pain. Everything occurred only in the mind.

At present I is constantly occupied, helping people to get rid of this harmful habit. And this completely succeeds for me, I helped to be healed already thousand smokers. I want immediately to emphasize the main thing: the uncorrectable smokers there does not exist. Until now it would meet no one, who also strongly took to to the smoking (or, is faster, it considered what do he has the same strong dependence) as 4. Any person can not only throw to smoke, but also to ascertain that to make this - is easy. In essence us it forces to smoke the fear: fear, that the life without cigarette not will be never so pleasant, and fear to feel itself deprived of something it is necessary to GO. When you throw to smoke, in you only one question will remain: "why I smoked so for long?"

But now make it possible to me to make. "lay cue method" assumes only two reasons for the possible failure:

1. CANNOT CARRY OUT INDICATIONS. My arbitrariness with respect to the specific recommendations irritates some. For example, 4 imperatively I please so that you would not attempt to reduce the quantity of those smoked cigarette or to use the substitutes (candy, chewing gum, etc., especially - everything that it contains nicotine). I is so categorical, because I know well my object. 4 I do not deny, that there are many people, which knew how to throw to smoke by using similar tricks, but they threw in spite of them, and not because of im. there are people, which can be occupied by love, costing on the hummock, but this not the most pleasant method for this entertainment. Everything, that I tell you, has as a one goal: to make a refusal of the smoking lung and, thus, to ensure success.

2. INCAPACITY TO UNDERSTAND. Do not assume all upon the faith. In the questions, connected with the smoking, subject to doubt not only my words, but also your own views, and that, to what society learned you. For example, those from you, who considers smoking simply habit, should be posed to itself the question: "why it is easy to forego other habits, even pleasant, and this habit, whose disgusting taste, which flies to us into the kopeck and finally simply kills us - so it is difficult to get rid?"