Saturday, December 30, 2006

If you think about passing to the tube or the cigars, have in the form that the aforesaid in this book relates to all I see tobacco and to any nicotinecontaining substances, including chewing gums, mats, sprey and inhalers.
Human organism - most complex object on our planet. Not one biological form, even lowest - amoeba and worms, will survive, without knowing the difference between the food and the poison. During thousands years, in the course of natural selection, our reason and body formed the skill to distinguish food and poison, and also the reliable methods of deliverance from the latter.
All people feed aversion to smell and taste of tobacco, until they take to to it. If you breathe out tobacco smoke into the person to child before it will acquire nicotine - dependence, it will begin to cough and to sneeze.

So, you are interested about how did I stopped smoking? My secret was
herbal medicine, check this site:

When we smoked our first cigarettes, smoking led to the assault of cough or, if they smoked too much, to the vertigo and the explicit physical indisposition. This our body appealed to us: "you introduce into me poison cease!" Frequently it is determined at this point, we will become smokers or not. To think that smokers become physically weak or mentally unstable people - error. That, in whom the first of cigarette caused rejection, whose lungs physically could not manage it - it transported, they were cured from the smoking for life. In other words, they are not ready to penetrate the severe process of instruction in order to learn to smoke, without coughing.
Specifically, this circumstance seems me by the most tragic. We very zealous work before we fall the dependence, this is why so it is difficult to stop adolescents. They still learn to smoke, they still consider cigarettes disgusting to the taste - and therefore they assume that they can throw, when they want. Why they do not learn based on our example? Why we nothing did learn from our parents?
Many smokers consider that the taste and the smell of tobacco reaches pleasure to them. This is - illusion. When we learn to smoke, we unreceptive to the disgusting smell and taste train our organism to become. So geroinisty assert that by them it pleases itself to be split. The pain of otvykaniya from heroin is more severe, and everything which pleases itself by them in actuality, ritual of the removal of this pain.

How did I quite smoking? Herbal medicine helped me, check this

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