Saturday, December 30, 2006

Before we will create the fetters of nicotine dependence, our bodies of sovershenny. Then we drive into our organism nicotine, and when we eject to cigarette, it begins to leave our body, and we experience pain of otvykaniya - not physical pain, but is simple the sensation of devastation. We even do not surmise about its existence, but she acts inside our body as the flowing crane. But we do not want to understand this by mind, having in this of no need. To us sufficient to know that we sharply want to cigarette, and when we get a light its, passionate thrust departs, and, to some period we again experience satisfaction and confidence in ourselves, becoming those, such as they were before they took to to the smoking. However, now this satisfaction is only temporary, since in order to remove thrust to the cigarettes, we must introduce an even larger quantity of nicotine into the organism. As soon as you will put out to cigarette, thrust will arise again, and so to infinity. Th
ese are fetters with length into the life, IF YOU DO NOT TEAR THEM.

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Entire sphere of business, connected with the smoking, resembles the carrying of close shoes for the purpose to obtain the pleasure, experienced at the moment of deliverance from them. Here are is three reasons, which do not give to smokers to glance at the thing from this point of view:
1. from the generation itself we undergo massirovannomu "washing it is cerebral", constantly hearing about the fact that the smokers find enormous pleasure and/or support in the smoking. Why we must not believe to those speaking this? But will not begin they to expend enormous money, in order to subject us to this terrible risk?
2. since physical otvykaniye from the nicotine is not accompanied by a present pain, and only by the feeling of the devastation and of uncertainty, almost not otlichimym from the hunger or the usual stress, and since we want to smoke - we are inclined to estimate this desire as normal.
3 smokers cannot see smoking in the true light because the mechanism of habituation to it is extraordinarily fine, and to otsledit' it is very complicated. In the beginning we estimate a feeling of devastation as normal and do not connect it with recently smoked sigaretoy. After smoking, you immediately oshchushchayete the flow of forces, you experience kayf, you weaken, and - cigarette again justified your confidence.

How did I quite smoking? Herbal medicine helped me, check this

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