Sunday, December 10, 2006

Smoking is dangerous!

Smoking - most insidious, most ominous trap, created with the joint efforts of man and nature. Who pushes slightly us to it first of all? Thousands of smoking adult. They even warn us that the smoking - the disgusting habit, which destroys, after all, our organism and which is circumvented is very dear, but we cannot believe in the fact that they do not obtain pleasure from this process. One of the curious aspects of smoking - that that it is necessary to greatly try in order to take to to it.

Actually I have gave up with smoking! How? I've quite with herbal medicine.

This is only trap in nature, in which there is no bait, even tiny piece of cheese. Trap begins to flap not from the fact that the taste cigarette is exquisite, but from the fact that it is disgusting. If the taste of the first cigarettes was pleasant, would ring alarming preventive zvonochek, and as reasonable essences, we would understand, why half of adult population systematically pays fabulous sums of money for the fact that hunts itself. But since that first of cigarette was disgusting, our youthful reason was completely damped: we- that never let us take to to this, since we obtain from the cigarette of no pleasure, but it means - let us be able to throw, when we want.

This is the only narcotic in nature, which will not allow so that you would reach your purpose. Boys usually begin to smoke, since they want to appear "steeply", imitating to the heroes Of klinta of Eastwood. The latter, that you feel from the first cigarettes, that that you "are steep". You do not dare be tightened as one should, but if you smoke too much - you will feel vertigo, and then nausea. At this moment you most of all it is desirable to flee from other fellows and to reject these vile cigarettes.

Girls it is desirable to appear contemporary and experienced. We all saw their, making short delays those generating in this case laughable impression. When boys will learn to appear "steep", and girl - highly experienced, they will be sorry about the fact that once they began to smoke. Is interesting to know, actually smoking is given to the women of iskushennosti, or this the means, imposed on advertisement cigarette.
The remained life we will conduct in the attempts to explain to ourselves, why we smoke, telling children, as not to fall into the trap, and attempting from time to time "to tie".
But trap is designed so that to throw we attempt only if we experience the strong stress, connected with the health, with a deficiency in the money or fact that us sequential time they forced to feel ourselves by lepers.

After throwing to smoke, we begin to experience an even larger stress, forcing ourselves to manage without that, on what they hoped precisely for removing the stress: without our old friend - cigarettes.

After several days of tortures we come to the solution that they selected the inappropriate time: it follows to wait for that moment, when we not had stress. As soon as this thought it comes to us into the head, occasion to throw to smoke completely it disappears. It is obvious that this time never will come, we know that the life has a tendency to become ever more than and that more stressed. When we depart from under the parental wing, begins the natural process of the creation of house, accumulation it is debt, the generation of children, career increase and so forth and the like thus, hoping for the rest, we again be in the illusion. Furthermore, it is known that the stress periods in the life of any person - early childhood and youth. We confuse responsibility and stress. The life of smoker automatically becomes more stressed, since the tobacco does not make it possible to be weakened and does not remove stress, as us society forces to believe. Increasingly with an accuracy to vice versa: in reality the smoking leads to the fact that you feel yourselves ever more nervous and napryazhenno.
Those smokers, which at least once are succeeded in "tying", can be happy until again they fall depending on nicotine.

Entire business, connected with the smoking, resembles wandering in the gigantic labyrinth. As soon as we enter into it, our reason clouds itself, and we carry out the remained life in the attempts to be selected. With many of us this, after all, it succeeds, but only in order again to please into the trap.

I conducted 33 years, attempting to be selected from this labyrinth. Like all smokers, 4 he did not understand this. However, because of the combination of uncommon circumstances (none of which makes to me honor), I wanted to learn, why during life me it was so desperately difficult to throw to smoke, and my successful attempt proved to be not only light, but also pleasant.
From the moment of the curtailment of smoking, by my hobby (but later and by my profession) became the solution of many riddles, connected with the nicotine dependence. This is the most complex and most fascinating puzzle, which, as the cube Of rubika, it is not practically possible to gather. However, as in the case of the majority of complex puzzles, if the solution to you is known - this is easy! I know how to throw to smoke with the ease. I will derive you from the labyrinth even I am guaranteed, that you more in it not zabredete never. Everything that you must make, follow indications. If you roll up not there, all further recommendations will be senseless.

Make it possible separately to emphasize: to reveal that to throw smoke easily, can any, but it is first necessary to establish all facts. No, 4 I do not have in the form the facts, which generate fear. 4 it is convinced that you are sufficiently informed about the harm of smoking. If this knowledge would stop, you long ago already threw to smoke. I have in the form understanding reasons, on which the refusal of the smoking is seemed to us very difficult. What to answer this question, it is necessary to establish the true reasons for that, why we still smoke.

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