Saturday, December 30, 2006

Specifically, similarity to the adoption of food helps to durachit' smoking, forcing them to believe in the fact that they obtain truly incomprehensible pleasure. To some smokers it is very difficult to realize, that the smoking brings no pleasure and renders no support. They object: "as you can assert that the smoking does not support me? Indeed you are agreeable, that, smoking, I feel itself by less nervous than thus far ".
Although the adoption of food and smoking seem by very similar, in actuality these processes - perfected are opposite:
1. you eat in order to survive and to prolong its life, and smoking reduces it.
2. food is actually pleasant to the taste, and the adoption of food - actually pleasant experience, by which we can delight in during our entire life. However, smoking assumes the inhalation of loathsome and toxic smoke into its lungs.
3. adoption of food does not generate hunger, but it facilitates it; while the first of cigarette places the beginning of thrust to the nicotine, but each subsequent - does not completely facilitate this thrust, but it guarantees, that you will suffer from it entire remained life.

So, you are interested about how did I stopped smoking? My secret was
herbal medicine, check this site:

Now the suitable moment in order to scatter another generally known myth about the smoking, myth about the fact that "smoking - this is habit". Adoption of food - habit? If you then think - try to forego it let us have sucked. No, to describe the adoption of food as habit - the same, what to call habit respiration. Both processes have vital importance for the survival. Certainly, different people have a habit to satisfy their hunger in the different time and with the aid of the different types of food. However, by itself adoption of food by habit is not. The sole reason, for which any smoker ignites to cigarette - the attempt to place end to the sensation of void and not confidences, created with previous sigaretoy. Certainly, different smokers have a habit to facilitate their discomfort in the different time and by different methods; however, by itself smoking is not habit.

How did I quite smoking? Herbal medicine helped me, check this

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