Saturday, December 30, 2006

Best method to realize insidiousness of this trap - to compare it with the food. After becoming accustomed to regularly feed, we do not fear, that let us be starved between the consumption of food. Only in the case of the delay of food we understand, to what extent they are hungry, and we entirely do not have physical pain, is simple the feeling of devastation and uncertainty, which to us it is known as "I should eat up". Very process of the satisfaction of hunger - very pleasant pasttime.

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With the smoking occurs almost the same. The sensation of void and uncertainty, known to us as "desire or the need for the cigarette", similar to hunger, although here one is not satisfied through another. As in the case there is no hunger, physical pain, and this discomfort is so imperceptible that we even do not remember about it in the interruptions between the cigarettes. It begins to be realized only at that moment, when we want after to smoke, but they will not permit us. Then finally after smoking, we they would feel satisfaction.

How did I quite smoking? Herbal medicine helped me, check this

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